Mental Health and Well-being Workshops

I offer mental health and well-being workshops to businesses, groups, schools and charities.

In my workshops I cover the neuroscience behind anxiety, depression, stress and other mental health concerns. I will help your employees to understand more about how and why we suffer along with strategies to help. We will look at how our brains work and the importance of various hormones as well as the impact of sleep on our well being. Your employees will leave with a much deeper understanding of mental health concerns, how they work within our brains and useful tips and techniques to support themselves going forward.

The workshop can be tailored specifically to your needs and can be done either in person or online.

Previous workshop feedback:

‘The workshop session was very enjoyable. Katie was great at explaining how everyday life affects us mentally and how to manage these problems in our brain. She gave us all some very good advice.’ Roger.

‘The best and most useful wellbeing session in my 12 years as a teacher. Thank you!’ Andy

‘Really interesting! I didn’t know how the brain dealt with stress. I will try to use the information both at home and at work.’

‘Katie gave an excellent lunchtime talk to my networking group for small business owners and those who freelance. Given the audience, Katie’s suggestion of a talk to help combat the negative side of self employment which most small business owners know only too well, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and worry was perfectly pitched. I came away with so much more understanding of how the brain functions and what actions I could personally take in terms of heightened anxiety next time. I would highly recommend Katie to anyone looking for inspiring, interesting and engaging speakers and of course to anyone seeking help for their own stress issues.’ Shona Chambers

‘Katie gave staff at the RSPB a lunchtime talk on managing stress as part of our May wellness month. We had record staff attendance and the feed back was that Katie was knowledgeable and gave pragmatic solutions. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her. Thank you Katie.’ Heather Mitchell RSPB

‘Katie was recently a guest speaker within my social media membership group. She offered to speak to the group about how to deal with everyday stresses including those caused by social media. Katie’s knowledge is incredible and she explains everything so simply. I would highly recommend Katie’ Samantha Cameron- Social Media Expert