‘Helped me when I felt I had little to no hope’
I can confidently say that Katie has been so supportive over the last ten sessions I have had with her. For many years, I had terrible self-esteem and a negative outlook on life. I would always tell myself, "I am good enough," "People don't like me," or "I would never achieve much in life". These crippling thoughts constantly kept me up at night and prevented me from enjoying things in life, like going to school & university, talking to people, or even learning how to drive. I never understood why I felt how I felt and never pictured myself getting to a better place if I am honest. When I had my first free consultation with Katie, she instantly put me at ease and explained my thoughts in a way that made so much sense. Over the next ten sessions I had with her, Katie encouraged me to not dwell on the past and work towards being my ideal self. She set me homework to 1) note at least five positive things that I had done or achieved every day and 2) listen to a sleep track every evening. It was tricky initially, but it made me sleep better, think positively, & empty my overflowing stress/anxiety bucket. I feel more confident, and I am a lot kinder to myself. I am focusing more on the good things in my life, which has made me feel so much better. Thank you, Katie, for being so wonderful and helping me when I felt like I had little to no hope.
Songbird Hypnotherapy
Tari, Beds